Land near tillsonburg and aylmer

11088 Walker rd, Aylmer

87 Acres | 82 Workable Acres | Soil Type: Sandy Loam

Great parcel to add to your land base located Between Aylmer and Tillsonburg on NE corner of College Line and Walker Road. Farm consists of 87 acres total with 82 +/- workable acres. Features Sandy Loam soil with easy access to the fields. Must be sold to an existing farm operation that qualifies for an excess farm dwelling severance so that Buyer and Seller can work together to remove the home and outbuildings located on this farm property through the excess FarmHouse rules in place in Elgin County / Malahide Township. The Sellers will then retain the home, shop and 2 sheds that will be located on approximately 2 acres depending on approvals. The Buyer will purchase the land and the grain storage bins. Call for further details.


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